What are We?

A startup for startups, An Ecosystem builder.

A startup for startups, An Ecosystem builder. We are an economy building molecule. By Nature – We are into value building & private equity business. We are a business acceleration platform integrating root level modules of setting up and running a startup. We specialize in pre-seed/seed stage startups where we take the idea from the thin air and set our focus on making it a sustainable, scalable and long-term business of it’s own. Having multiple models, majorly We incubate the startup for a 9 month programme like our own baby & then once ready with itself – We put it out in the market to fight it’s own battles, grow ahead of its own potential. We provide backbone to startups against a defined sweat equity.

We invest our time, money & expertise to build the idea into a vision and a business as we move ahead. We don’t charge the startup anything upfront. We take a equity partnership [shareholding 0 -15%] of the startup to become a backbone partner. We add value to the startup by providing them the following:




Registrations, Planning & Modelling.

Pre-Seed Fund Raising.

Market Research, MVP Building, Market Validation.

Relevant Business Partnerships.

Legal, Compliance, Accounting, Recruitment Support.

Building One EcoSystem

We have been on both sides of a startup journey. We understand the struggles and hardships be it fund-raising, team-building, networking.

Despite India being one of the fastest growing startup industry, We identified the pain points and created our own venture builder supporting innovation startups & entrepreneurs.

We are processing entrepreneurs and gearing up portfolios in the following sectors

How we do it ?

Deep understanding of Indian ecosystem

Focus on cherrypicking innovations at pre-seed stage

Realisation of market-driven Innovation

Tried and tested framework for nurturing disruptive tech innovation startups

Integrated partnership with Academia, research facilities, Government bodies & Industry

We cover all the layers to take disruptive ideas to great product

Techinovedors Members

Vinit Jain

Founder, TechInnovadors

We build & empower businesses with thought processes, Powerful understanding of Online economy. Currently Understanding Economies, Analysing Ideas, Team Building, Coding, Prototyping Pivots, Converting Pivots to Products & Models, Business Modelling, Management, Execution, Growth Acceleration, Fund Raising, Corporate Structuring, We do whatever it takes!

Dr. Omkar Babu

Chief Science and Innovation Officer (CSIO), TechInnovadors

Dr Omkar Babu K can be best described as an innovator, entrepreneur and mentor. He has completed his PhD in Biotechnology with a focused specialisation in Population Genetics. In addition to this, he also holds a MBA in International Business.